Résultats: Montrant 10 de 191 à l'page 11 de 20
Distribution of leptin receptors in the brain stem: possible route in the pathophysiology...
Nasal irrigation with budesonide in high-volume saline solution in difficult-to-control...
Auditory perceptual and acoustic analysis related to tongue trills performance time...
Sensitivity and specificity of the video head impulse test in the diagnosis of post-caloric...
Effects of Luffa operculata infusion on the epithelium and the mucociliary activity...
The influence of foreign authors on citations increase in Brazilian medical journals:...
Fat and fascia lata implantation in rabbit vocal fold: quantitative analysis of the...
Nasal polyposis: characterization of eosinophils, mast cells, myofibroblasts and...
Animal models as a tool for analyzing the expression profile of genes associated...
Polyethylene glycol-fusion in facial nerve regeneration in rats after neurotmesi...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 191 à l'page 11 de 20