Troubles de Croissance Cellulaire, Hémodynamiques et l'Hémostase
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 114 à l'page 7 de 12
Evaluation of the expression of genes and miRNAs related to DNA damage repair in...
ADAMTS-13 enzimatic activity and von Willebrand factor subunit proteolysis in children...
Civil responsibility and blood transfusion
Ação dos oxisteróis na diferenciação osteogênica e adipogênica de células-tronco...
Identification, quantification and monitoring of circulating free tumor DNA in peripheral...
Duffy gene polymorphism study in patients with malignant hypertension and blood ...
Evaluation of the therapeutic effect of oxisterol delta-3 on american tegumentary...
Identification and characterization of hematopoietic stem cell transplant candidates...
Characteristics of toxicity promoted by oxysterols in mesenchymal stem cells derived...
Reduction of the Framingham risk score of the parents through a health education...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 114 à l'page 7 de 12