Sciences en Gastro-entérologie
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 328 à l'page 30 de 33
Physical training effect in obese mice with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: aspects...
Analysis of nutritional intake and supplementation of bariatric patients from the...
Combined liver and multivisceral resections: a comparative analysis of short and...
Assessment of respiratory muscle strength and postural balance in patients with fecal...
Risk factors for a definitive colostomy in patients with squamous cell anal cancer...
Psychological factors and psychodynamic characteristics of Crohn disease patients...
Colonoscopic findings of an organized population-based colorectal cancer screening...
Analysis of the methylenotetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme polymorphism in colorectal...
Platelet function assessment and the relationship with bleeding risk following band...
Assistance assessment of the population served at the ambulatory A2MG404 (Hepatitis...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 328 à l'page 30 de 33