Compared Biology
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 211 à l'page 7 de 22
Palinotaxonomy in brazilian species of Sinningia Nees (Gesneriaceae) - evolution...
Morphogenesis of integument in Apis mellifera: building the adult exoskeleton
Taxonomic and evolutionary studies in Drosophila serido and Drosophila antonietae...
Intraspecific genetic diversity in the cactophilic species Drosophila serido Vilela...
Characterization of macroevolutionary patterns of body size in Testudinata
The recontextualization process in the Science Curriculum: analysis of the conceptual...
Patterns of morphological evolution in the skull of turtles: contributions from digital...
Evolution and phylogeny of Pleurodira (Testudines) with the description of a new...
Ecomorphological evolution of South-American Colubroidea snakes (Squamata: Serpe...
Sunflower family in space and time: taxonomy, phylogenomics, historical biogeography...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 211 à l'page 7 de 22