Santé, Cycles de Vie et Société
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 168 à l'page 4 de 17
The contraceptive pill prescription in the 1960s: the perspective of gynecologis...
When the entrance does not solve: Health Units of Family in the city of Rio Branco-Ac...
Network of coping with family violence in Rio Branco, Acre: limits and possibili...
Socio-cultural practices and awareness about health, disease and death of children...
Prevalence of anemia and its relationships between mothers and kindergarten children...
Two moms? Lesbians and motherhood
Prenatal factors and prematurity: retrospective cohort with secondary analysis of...
Factors associated with insufficient birth weight, Hospital Regional Cotia, 200...
Diabetes: practices and senses of care and self-care in flow in the Public Health...
Morbidity profile of indigenous children referred to the Indigenous Nursing House...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 168 à l'page 4 de 17