Qualité et Productivité Animale
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 573 à l'page 6 de 58
Purified lignin in ruminant diet: impact on sheep performance and health
Performance of Saanen female kids submitted to different levels of dietary energy:...
Evaluation of growth and beef quality traits in lineages and representative Nellore...
Study of the influence of steer and breeders of Nellore in the quality and quantitative...
Combined use of monensin and nitrate as kinetic and ruminal fermentation manipulators...
The nitric oxide and phophodiesterases in bovine oocytes maturation
Evaluation of alternative ingredients in diets of broilers with the addition of ...
Effect of diets with different energy sources on apparent digestibility, short-chain...
Fractions of carbohydrates and proteins and the prediction of the crude protein and...
Effects of different levels of sodium and nitrogen on nutritional and chemical composition...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 573 à l'page 6 de 58