Chimie Analytique et Inorganique
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 384 à l'page 23 de 39
Rhenium and technetium complexes as potential agents for cancer diagnosis
Development and evaluation of trypanocidal activity of novel Group 10 divalent metals...
Theoretical-experimental studies of the effects of the magnetic fields on the corrosion...
Effects of an applied magnetic field on the corrosion of copper monitored in situ...
Protein extraction from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues for proteomic...
X Ray Diffraction Structural Determination of Polyhydroxylated Pyrrolidines with...
Synthesis and characterization of mixed copper compounds with potential anti-Mycobacterium...
Carbon cloth gas diffusion electrodes: a comparative study of hydrogen peroxide electrogeneration...
Innovative photonic methods for assessing the contamination of aquatic ecosystems...
Cellulose modification for bioanalytical assays on paper-based microfluidic devices...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 384 à l'page 23 de 39