Enseignement de Chimie
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 171 à l'page 12 de 18
A study of social representations about chemistry of Sao Paulo's Youth and Adult...
Influence of PIBID-QUÍMICA Area Coordinators' social representations on "public school"...
The multimodal approach as a teaching strategy in a course on interparticle inte...
The didactic sequences production process in the initial chemistry teacher training...
Berzelius's electrochemical dualism: its characterization and presence in chemistry...
Perceptions of teachers of initial teacher education courses on "experimentation",...
Contextualization in chemistry teaching and CTS teaching: visions, concerns and actions...
Research in scientific literacy in Brazil: analysis of the academic production from...
The relations between the scientific and the religious in textbooks of Natural Sciences...
Concept maps in science education: identification of static and dynamic propositions...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 171 à l'page 12 de 18