Histoire Économique
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 454 à l'page 41 de 46
Celso Furtado, between history and economic theory (1948-1959): an historiographical...
Create needs: the formation of the São Paulo advertising market; the case of agency...
The Cantareira Tramway and its relation with local development: urban infrastructure...
From the riverbanks and farms to the towns and councils: hinterland elites of Rio...
Building the Common Interest: the Associative trajectory of Paulista Industrialists...
Sao Paulo 1917-1921, learning how to be the boss: the to do of the Bourgeoisies industrial...
The Secretary of State for Overseas Domains and Diogo de Mendonça Corte Real: changes...
The Eldorado of soybeans in the Brazilian Midwest (c. 1980 c. 2010): The monopoly...
The subordinate incorporation of the Midwest to the Brazilian capitalism: a historical...
among the political mission and historical science: Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 454 à l'page 41 de 46