Lettres Classiques
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 238 à l'page 12 de 24
Dispositio and gender in Epode of Horace: a study following the translation in v...
Hercules on Oeta: a stoic tragedy by Sêneca
Female Prostitution in Archaic Melic Poetry and Iambus: images and topics
De inuentione by Marco tulio Cicero: translation and introduction
The metadiscoursive reflections in the speech Antidosis of Isocrates
Against the Sophists and Helen by Isócrates: translation, notes and introductory...
Cleanthes of Assos, an introduction with translation and notes
Martial's homoerotic epigrams: study and translation
Quaestiones legales and status causae in Quintilians Institutio oratoria 3
The reception of the Hellenistic Poetry in Nonnus' Dionysiaca
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 238 à l'page 12 de 24