Lettres Classiques
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 238 à l'page 4 de 24
The epos and its species in Propertius' books
The Venus arts and the Minerva arts in the configuration of the elegiac puella of...
Cato's prose: sentence types, transformations and communicative functions
The fruits of the earth and war: the reflection of food in ancient Greek comedy
The failure of Clouds and poetic rivalry in greek old comedy
Cicero's Catilinarians: translation into portuguese and rhetoric analysis
Plato's Phaedo: arguments for immortality of the soul and partial translation
Plato's Eutífron: study and translation
De Platonis Vita: a study on the representation of the inspired philosopher in the...
Adversvs valentinianos: translation of the work and analysis of rhetorical mechanisms...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 238 à l'page 4 de 24