Théorie Littéraire et Littérature Comparée
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 410 à l'page 26 de 41
The curvature of the lines and the linearity of the curves: a compared study on João...
The trails of the common clod: a comparative study between Graciliano Ramos and Candido...
Game over: Spiel im Morgengrauen as figuration of the Austro-Hungarian decline
To burn the salamander in cold flame: love and melancholy in Drummond
Rosa aurilavrada: figurations of utopia in A Rosa do Povo
The tragic experience of the "I" in The Unnamable, by Samuel Beckett: death, not...
Vasco-idiom: a reading of Invention of Orpheus
Walk in and go to the deuce: Wuthering Heights as a dialectical work
To get on well with extreme: tension and duality in João Cabral de Melo Neto' s...
Spinning: some studies on the short-story of Machado de Assis
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 410 à l'page 26 de 41