Soin Infirmier
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 244 à l'page 21 de 25
Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory effect of the Therapeutic Touch on the experimental...
The determinants of tuberculosis and HIV-TB mortality in Southern Brazil: From the...
Women in the search for legal abortion: critical path followed and health needs ...
Creative and transformer potential of the health work to (re) configuration of models...
Cross-Cultural adaptation and Validation of the scale Social and Community Opportunities...
Care management in family health strategy: a cartography
The DOTS strategy in São Paulo state: political, technical and operational challenges...
Mental health care in basic care: mapping a management process
Social representations from the perspective of adolescents and employees of suffered...
Evaluation of the effectiveness of health services in the diagnosis of tuberculosis...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 244 à l'page 21 de 25