Economie Appliqué
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 242 à l'page 22 de 25
Brazilian monetary policy: key-factors of central bank credibility on inflation targeting...
Switching costs: estimates for the Brazilian banking industry
Do formal micro and small enterprises affect the formality of their employees? A...
The accounts receivable investment funds as an alternative to the small enterprises...
Violence and education: impact of violence on promotion
Government Spending and Private Consumption: A Panel Error Correction Approach
Revisiting a measure of generosity from unemployment insurance programs
Economic growth and fiscal policy: evidences of the brazilian case
New strategies of agribusiness financing: an analysis about the viability of emission...
Tobin`s Q and fundamentals in Brazil
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 242 à l'page 22 de 25