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Mémoire de Maîtrise
Nom complet
Rômulo Godik Antunes
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
Pirassununga, 2015
Albuquerque, Ricardo de (Président)
Araujo, Cristiane Soares da Silva
Gomide, Catarina Abdalla
Titre en portugais
Avaliação histopatológica da interferência do uso de enzimas exógenas nas células pancreáticas de frangos de corte
Mots-clés en portugais
Frangos de corte
Resumé en portugais
O projeto teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do uso de enzimas exógenas sobre os grânulos de zimógenos no pâncreas. O projeto foi dividido em três experimentos, sendo o experimento I para avaliação do uso da protease via ração nas dosagens de 50, 100 e 150% das recomendações do fabricante. O experimento II, foi realizado avaliando-se o uso da enzima amilase nas dosagens de 50, 100 e 150% das recomendações do fabricante e o experimento III foi realizado avaliando-se as dosagens de amilase, amilase + fitase, protease e protease + fitase sobre os grânulos de zimógenos. Em cada experimento, foi utilizado delineamento inteiramente casualizado sendo um total de nove tratamentos com oito repetições. Aos 21 e 42 dias de idade, as aves foram sacrificadas por deslocamento cervical para coleta e processamento do pâncreas para análise histopatológica e posterior análise pelo programa Image Pro Plus®. Este programa permitiu a mensurar a porcentagem dos grânulos de zimógenos nas imagens obtendo-se um índice matemático da presença dos grânulos de zimógenos no pâncreas, o qual pode ser avaliado estatisticamente e submetidos a regressão polinomial os experimentos I e II e ao teste de Tukey o experimento III. Uma redução significativa (P<0,05) com efeito quadrático na presença dos grânulos de zimógenos pode ser observada nos experimentos I e II. O experimento III apresentou diferença estatística (P<0,05) entre o uso de fitase 100% + Protease 100% quando comparado com o controle.
Titre en anglais
Histopathology evaluation between in feed enzymes and pancreatic cells of broilers
Mots-clés en anglais
Resumé en anglais
This research project was conducted in the poultryhouse of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine USP - Department of Nutrition and Animal Production, Pirassununga Site. Thus, this present study aimed to evaluate the effect of exogenous enzymes on the zymogenes granules of pancreas. It was performed three experimental trials; the first experiment has evaluated the addition of 50, 100 and 150% of protease manufactory recommendation in the feed. The trial two was conducted to evaluate the addition of 50, 100 and 150% of amylase manufactory recommendation in feed, and the experiment three was conducted to evaluated the addition of amylase, amylase + phytase, protease and protease + phytase in the feed on the zymogens granules. Each experiment was designed totally randomized with a total of nine treatments with eight replicates each. The birds were killed by cervical dislocation at days 21 e 42 to collect the pancreas for histopathology analysis followed by the Image Pro Plus® program analysis, this program allowed to transform the image into a mathematic number, which could be used in statistical analysis. At the experiments I and II, the statistical analysis were conducted by the polynomial regression method and the experiment three was evaluated by Tukey test. A significant reduction (P<0,05) with quadratic effect was observed on the zymogens granules at the experiments I and II. The experiment III show a significant difference between the treatment with phytase 100% + Protease 100% and the control group.
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