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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Jorgino Pompeu Junior
Piracicaba, 1972
Title in Portuguese
Estudo de comportamento de clones nucelares e velhos de laranjeira-hamlin (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck)
Keywords in Portuguese
Abstract in Portuguese
Em experimento instalado em 1962 na Estação Experimental de Limeira, do Instituto Agronômico de São Paulo, foi estudada a produção de laranjeira-hamlin (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) no período 1967 a 1972, e o volume das copas e a produção por metro cúbico das copas em 1972. O experimento abrangeu oito clones dessa variedade, sendo: quatro nucleares, dois clones velhos livres do vírus da exocorte, um clone velho portador de estirpe fraca e outro portador de estirpe forte desse vírus, enxertados em limoeiro-cravo (Limonia Osbeck) e laranjeira-caipira (C. sinensis L. Osbeck). Todos os clones estavam isentos dos vírus da xiloporose e da sorose. A análise estatística dos dados obtidos revelou que: 1. As laranjeiras-hamlin apresentaram, em média, maior produção e menor volume de copa quando enxertados em limoeiro-cravo. 2. Os clones nucleares foram mais produtivos e apresentaram maiores volume de copa que os clones velhos. 3. Houve diferenças de produção entre os clones nucelares enxertados em limoeiro-cravo. 4. Em limoeiro-cravo, os clones velhos sadios, apresentaram maior produção e volume de copa que os clones velhos com vírus da exocorte; quando em laranjeira-caipira, esses clones somente diferiram quanto ao volume de copa, que foi maior nos clones sadios. 5. Foram constatadas diferenças de produção e volume de copas entre os clones velhos sadios, enxertados em limoeiro-cravo. 6. Os clones portadores do vírus da exocorte não diferiram entre si, tanto em produção quanto em volume de copa. 7. As laranjeiras-hamlin apresentaram, em média, maior produção por metro cúbico das copas quando sobre limoeiro-cravo. 8. A produção, por metro cúbico das copas, foi maior nas plantas com exocorte e menor nos clones nucelares.
Title in English
Studies on the behaviour of nucellar and old clones of Hamlin sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) budded on two rootstocks
Abstract in English
Yield data were collected during five years (1967 – 1972) from an experimental Hamlin sweet orange orchard planted in 1962 at the Citrus Experiment Station, Limeira, SP (Instituto Agronômico, Campinas). Measurements of the tree tops was carried out only in 1972. Eight different clones of Hamlin sweet orange, four nucellars, two old clones free from exocortis and two exocortis infected old clones (one infected with a mild strain and the other with a severe strain) were compared on two tristeza tolerant rootstocks, Rangpur lime (C. limonia Osbeck) and Caipira sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck). All clones were free from xiloporosis and psorosis viruses, but infected with the tristeza virus. Statistical analysis of the data obtained permit the following conclusions: 1. Hamlin sweet orange scions gave higher yields when budded on Rangpur lime than on Caipira sweet orange; the tree top volume, however, was larger on the latter rootstock. 2. The nucellar clones gave higher yields and had larger scions than the old clones on the two rootstocks. 3. Of the four nucellar clones budded on Rangpur lime, three were statistically comparable, but the fourth gave significantly lower yields than the others. On Caipira sweet orange there was no statistical difference between the four clones. 4. The exocortis-free old clones gave higher yields and had larger tops than the clones infected with the virus. On the Caipira sweet orange rootstock the yields of the four scion types were comparable, but the top volume was larger in case of the healthy old clones. 5. The two exocortis-free old clones differed significantly in yield and tree volume when budded on Rangpur lime. There was no difference between them on Caipira sweet orange rootstock. 6. The two old clones carrying the exocortis virus did not differ from one another on the two rootstocks. 7. The Hamlin sweet orang scions had a higher yield per volume of the tree canopy on the Rangpur lime than on the Caipira sweet orange. 8. The relation, yield per volume of tree top, was greatest in trees infected with exocortis and smallest for the nucellars on both rootstocks.
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