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Disertación de Maestría
Nombre completo
Elisabete da Silva Branco
Fecha de Defensa
, 1998
Título en portugués
Resistência de genótipos de macieira à mosca-das-frutas Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied., 1830) (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Palabras clave en portugués
Resumen en portugués
Título en inglés
Resistance of apple genotypes to the south american fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied., 1830) (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Resumen en inglés
The adult population dynamics, attack, damage level, number of larvae and biological aspects of Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied., 1830) were evaluated on apple genotypes, at the Experimental Station of Caçador, EPAGRI, SC. Based on experiments related to preference for oviposition, damage level of the fruit flies in genotypes of the groups ?Golden Delicious? and ?Delicious? was evaluated under laboratory conditions over the years 94/95, 95/96 and 96/97. Data on damage level, number of punctures per fruit and number larvae were correlated with some physiological and morphological characteristics of the fruits. Based on the damage level, two susceptible cultivars (EPAGRl-408 Condessa e Gala) and two resistant (Granny Smith and Fuji 2) ones were chosen for the biological studies. lt was concluded that: there are resistance sources to fruit fly A. fraterculus on apple genotypes; the puncture of fruit fly may cause cork spot on apple fruit; fruit fly population peak occurs during the months of December and January; A. fraterculus has less preference for oviposition in the ?Delicious? group when compared to the ?Golden Delicious? group, under semi-field, field and laboratory conditions; apples with yellow and/or with red epidermis on yellow background colour, are more attacked and damaged than those with green or red epidermis on green background colour; cultivars Fuji 2 and Granny Smith are the least adapted to the development of the insect, prolonging the larval phase, reducing the larval and pupal viability and the pupal size; flies reared on cultivar Gala presented smaller fecundity than those reared on ?EPAGRl-408 Condessa?, which is the most adapted to the insect; the following ranking was established based on A. fraterculus biology: EPAGRl-408 Condessa > Gala > Fuji 2 > Granny Smith; Fuji 2 and Granny Smith cultivars should be used in breeding programs.
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