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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Rita de Cássia Panizzi
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
Piracicaba, 1983
Title in Portuguese
Obtenção de inóculo de Xanthomonas albilineans (Ashby) Dowson in vitro e metodologia de inoculação
Keywords in Portuguese
Abstract in Portuguese
Xanthomonas albilineans (Ashby) Dowson foi cultivada em meio de cultura, de composição semelhante àquela do meio de Wilbrink, variando-se a fonte de nitrogênio e a quantidade de nitrogênio e de sacarose. Observou-se que: (1) neopeptona, tryptona, proteose-peptona e soytona foram melhores, em ordem decrescente, que peptona; (2) a proporção de soytona por litro de meio que proporcionou melhor crescimento de X. albilineans foi 20 g. A dose de sacarose para melhor crescimento da bactéria depende da dose de soytona; há combinações carbono/nitrogênio que favorecem melhor o crescimento de X. albilineans foi 20 g. Em doses de sacarose acima de 80 g por litro começa a haver inibição do crescimento da bactéria. Variações do método de inoculação por injeção no palmito foliar (sem corte das folhas, com corte e com capa, com corte e sem capa de papel alumínio) foram testadas em 4 variedades de cana-de-açúcar (NA56-79, H 60-6909, CB47-355 e CB41-76). Observou-se que houve efeito significativo dessas variações nas variedades de resistência intermediária (NA56-79, H 60-6909 e CB47-355), porém não na variedade suscetível (CB41-76). Observou-se também que ocorre o fenômeno de recuperação de sintomas externos, mais nas variedades NA56-79, H 60-6909 e CB47-355 do que na variedade CB41-76. Foram testados também os métodos de inoculação (por injeção no palmito foliar) com corte do palmito foliar, com capa e sem capa de papel alumínio, para 7 variedades de cana-de-açúcar (NA56-79, CB47-355, CB 41-76, CP51-22, CB49-260, CB45-3 e CB47-89). Os métodos de inoculação não variaram entre si. Encontraram-se grupos de plantas resistentes, suscetíveis e de resistência intermediária. Usaram-se variedades de milho, sorgo e cana-de-açúcar como plantas testes para X. albilineans e verificou-se que qualquer uma é passível de ser infectada artificialmente, sendo que a variedade de milho doce de Cuba e a variedade de cana CB41-76 foram as que apresentaram maior número de plantas doentes.
Title in English
Obtention of Xanthomonas albilineans (Ashby) Dowson inoculum in vitro and methodology for inoculation
Abstract in English
An experiment was conducted in which Xanthomonas albilineans (Ashby) Dowson was cultivated in a culture media similar to that of Wilbrink. The various treatments were prepared by varying source and quantity of nitrogen and of sacarose. The results showed that all sources of nitrogen were rated better than peptone and in this order: (1) neopeptone, tryptone, proteose-peptone and soytone. Best growth of X. albilineans was obtained for the rate of 20 g of soytone per liter of the media. It was found that the dosage of sacarose for best bacteria growth depended on the dosage of soytone because the growth of this species is favored by some C/N ratios. Growth of this bacteria was inhibited with sacarose rates over 80 g per liter. The inoculum was injected in the leaf shoot according to some modifications in the usual procedure. There were as follows: whole leaves, protected cut-off leaves and unprotected cut-off shoot (protection was done with an aluminum foil cover). These three injections methods were tested in four sugar-cane varieties, namely Na56-79, H60-6909, CB47-355 and CB41-76. Behavior was significantly different in all treatments for the varieties of intermediate resistance, but not for the susceptible CB41-76. This same variety was also the one to show indications of lesser recovery to external infection symptoms. ln another experiment two methods of inoculation were utilized to study the behavior of 7 sugarcane varieties (NA56-79, CB47-355, CB41-76, CP51-22, CB49-260, CB45-3 and CB47-89). ln general these two methods of inoculation, that consisted in the injection of the inoculum after cuting the plant top and with and without utilization of aluminum cap, resulted in similar effectiveness for rating of diseased and health plants. Varieties could be rated as susceptible, resistant and intermediate. A parallel test was conducted applying similar treatments to corn, sorghum and sugar-cane. lt was found that each of them can be artificially infected by X. albilineans. Most susceptible however were sugar-cane variety CB41-76 and the corn variety Doce-de-Cuba.
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