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Disertación de Maestría
Nombre completo
João Pedro Delgado
Área de Conocimiento
Fecha de Defensa
Piracicaba, 1999
Título en portugués
Caracterização e avaliação de frutos de tangores e tangelos
Palabras clave en portugués
Resumen en portugués
Com o objetivo de caracterizar novas variedades de citros existentes no banco ativo de Germoplasma (BAG-Citro) do Centro de Citricultura Sylvio Moreira - Cordeirópolis SP, foi verificado características dos frutos de três tangores e três tangelosa saber: tangor da India, tangor Santa Maria Madalena e tangor Ortanique e os tangelos Minneola, tangelo Samfison e o tangelo Seminoole. Os tangores foram comparados com o tangor Murcott que para o trabalho desenvolvido, é a variedade padrão, jáos tangelos foram comparados com o tangelo Orlando, como variedade padrão. De acordo com o experimento, os tangores e os tangelos não apresentaram características favoráveis para serem usados como copa no período de dois anos de estudo
Título en inglés
Characterization and evaluation of tangors and tangelos fruits
Resumen en inglés
Three types of tangors and three of tangelos, with potential commercial value, were analysed in regard to their fruit characteristics, under the climatic conditions of the Centro of Citriculture Sylvio Moreira (CCSM) – Instituto Agronômico, Campinas, (IAC) located in Cordeirópolis country, São Paulo State, Brazil. The analysed types (materiaIs) from nucellar origin, were: Índia, Santa Maria Madalena and Ortanique tangors and Minneola, Sampson and Seminole tangelos, selected among those existing in the active germoplasm bank of the CCSM. The plants were grafted on 'Cleopatra' mandarine and were 10 years old at the beginning of the evaIuation. The study was carried out during two years in a row, starting from July through September 1996 and from June through September 1997, being the analyses carried out approximately, bi-monthly. Studied, were the following characteristics of the fruits: height, diameter, height/diameter, weight, rind colour, morphology, soluble solids (brix), acidity, soluble solids relation: acidity (ratio), juice yield, technological index, seed number and pulp colour. This work made the, description of the fruit's characteristics from each type, possible. From the results obtained, the following conclusions could be drawn: The varieties that presented the highest medium values in fruit's size were the Sampson, Seminole and the Minneola tangelos. The highest medium values for fruti's weight were obtained with the Minneola and Sampson tangelo. Most of the varieties presented high juice's yie1d, above 50%, being the highest values of Minneola, Sampson, Seminole tangelos and for the Ortanique tango r. AlI the varieties presented high rate of seeds per fruit. The tangores and tangeIos studied, in a general way, were not suitable to be used as canopies in the period in which they studied
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