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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Ramón Martínez Ojeda
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
Piracicaba, 2001
Title in Portuguese
Utilização de ceras, fungicidas e sanitizantes na conservação de goiabas ‘Pedro Sato’ sob condição ambiente
Keywords in Portuguese
Abstract in Portuguese
No presente trabalho avaliaram-se os efeitos de diversas ceras a base carnaúba, fungicidas e sanitizantes na conservação pós-colheita de goiabas ‘Pedro Sato’ armazenadas em condição ambiente. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Laboratório de Pós-Colheita do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da ESALQ-USP, Piracicaba - SP. No primeiro experimento os frutos foram submetidos à aplicação de cinco ceras comerciais (Citrosol AK, Citrosol M, Fruit Wax, Meghwax ECF-100 e Cleantex wax), aplicadas manualmente com o auxílio de uma pipeta, na proporção de 0,15 a 0,20mL por fruto. Os frutos foram mantidos a 25°C e 60-70 UR. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos, quatro repetições e cinco frutos por parcela. As goiabas foram caracterizadas imediatamente após a colheita e avaliadas aos dois, quatro e seis dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos quanto à perda de peso, cor da casca e da polpa, firmeza da polpa, teor de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável total e conteúdo de vitamina C. Todas as ceras reduziram a incidência de podridões. No sexto dia, 30% dos frutos sem cera apresentavam-se com podridões, enquanto nos tratados variou entre 5 e 20%. A cera Meghwax ECF-100 proporcionou a menor incidência de podridões (5%), manteve a coloração da casca e a firmeza da polpa. Além disso, conferiu melhor aparência devido ao brilho proporcionado. Entretanto, verificaram-se pequenas alterações no sabor e no aroma e menor desenvolvimento da coloração vermelha na polpa. No segundo experimento, os frutos foram imersos em soluções de thiabendazole, prochloraz, imazalil, Ecolife 20, Fegatex, Nippolat, dióxido de cloro, carbonato de sódio, ácido bórico e hipoclorito de sódio. Frutos sem tratamento foram tomados como controle. As goiabas foram armazenadas sob condição ambiente (25°C) e avaliadas aos dois, quatro, seis e oito dias quanto à incidência de podridões e severidade das lesões; também foram monitoradas as características físico-químicas. Os frutos apresentaram, em média, 1,89%; 26,51%; 83,14% e 90,15% de podridões após dois, quatro, seis e oito dias de armazenamento, respectivamente. Os sanitizantes Ecolife 20, Fegatex, Nippolat, dióxido de cloro, carbonato de sódio, ácido bórico e hipoclorito de sódio e os fungicidas thiabendazole e imazalil não diferiram entre si e nem do controle, nos diferentes dias de avaliação. As goiabas tratadas com o fungicida prochloraz diferiram dos demais tratamentos e do controle. Estas não apresentaram podridões, além de apresentar melhor aparência, devido à uniformidade de coloração que adquiriram. A principal doença pós-colheita observada foi a antracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), seguida de podridão apical (Lasiodiplodia theobromae) e podridão preta (Pestalotiopsis psidii).
Title in English
Postharvest conservation and decay control of the ‘Pedro Sato’ guavas at room conditions by using wax, fungicides and disinfectants
Abstract in English
The objective of the following experiment was to evaluate the effects of several fungicides, disinfectants and carnauba based wax applied to the ‘Pedro Sato’ guavas in order to extend its preservation at room conditions after being harvested. The experiments were conducted in the Postharvest Laboratory of Crop Production Department of the USP/ESALQ, Piracicaba-SP. ln the first experiment, five commercial waxes (Citrosol AK, Citrosol M, Fruit Wax, Meghwax ECF-100 and Cleantex wax) and a control (untreated fruits) were studied. The experimental design was entirely randomized with six treatments, using four replications for treatment and five fruits per experimental unit. The fruits were washed in a sodium hypochlorite solution (0.15g.L-1) and then, the waxes were applied manually (0.15-0.20 mL per fruit) using a pipette. Afterwards harvest, the guavas were characterized and evaluated each two days until the sixth day after treated, being analyzed weight loss, skin color, firmness, color of the pulp, total soluble solids, total acidity and vitamin C content. All the waxes reduced the rot incidence. The level of rot incidence at the sixth day was 30% for untreated fruits and varying among 5% and 20% for treated fruits. Meghwax ECF-100 provided the least incidence of rot (5%), the appearance of the fruits was enhanced, keeping the skin color and the pulp firmness. However, a small alteration was noted in the fruit’s flavor and aroma, and a red color of the pulp has a lesser development. The second experiment, the effects of several fungicides and disinfectants on the decay control and postharvest preservation of ‘Pedro Sato’ guavas was evaluated on mature green fruits harvested in a commercial orchard of Vista Alegre do Alto (SP). The treatments applied were: thiabendazole (0.5g.L-1), prochloraz (0.5g.L-1), imazalil (0.5g.L-1), Ecolife 20 (3mL.L-1), Fegatex (10mL.L-1), Nippolat (1mL.L-1), chlorine dioxide (2mL.L-1), sodium carbonate (10g.L-1), boric acid (10g.L-1), sodium hypochlorite (0.15g.L-1) and a control treatment (untreated fruits). The fruits were immersed during 3 minutes except for treatment with chlorine dioxide, which was submitted a 15 minutes immersion. Guavas were stored under room conditions (25°C) and evaluated each two days from de second to the eight day looking at incidence at severity of rots. Physical-chemical characteristics were also taken into account. Average of rots was 1.82%, 27.12%, 83.14% and 90.15% for days 2, 4, 6 and 8 respectively. There is no significant difference either between treated and untreated fruits or within treated fruits, except for treatment with prochloraz, which shows no rots and had a better appearance and a more uniform coloration. The applications of treatments did not modify the physical-chemical characteristics of the fruits. The importance order of the diseases observed was as follows: anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), apical rot (Lasiodiplodia theobromae) and black rot (Pestalotiopsis psidii).
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