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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Ana Regina Techiatti Fazano
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
Piracicaba, 1986
Title in Portuguese
Digestibilidade e valor biológico da proteína da levedura seca (Saccharomyces spp.) e do farelo de soja para coelhos
Keywords in Portuguese
Abstract in Portuguese
O experimento teve a finalidade de determinar a qualidade da proteína da levedura seca (Saccharomyces spp) de destilarias de álcool de cana-de-açúcar para coelhos em crescimento, através da digestibilidade e do valor biológico, comparativamente ao farelo de soja. O ensaio teve a duração de 28 dias, sendo 18 dias para a fase preliminar e 10 dias para a fase de coleta. Utilizou-se 20 láparos recém-desmamados com peso médio inicial de 930g e idade de 40 dias, de ambos os sexos, das raças Califórnia e Nova Zelândia Branco. Os animais foram alojados em gaiolas metab6licas medindo 0,58 x 0,42 x 0,30 m e equipadas com comedouros e bebedouros automáticos. Foram testados 4 tratamentos, através de um esquema fatorial envolvendo 2 fontes de proteína (levedura seca e farelo de soja) e dois níveis de proteína (8 e 12%). Para cada tratamento foram utilizados 5 repetições de 1 animal. As médias dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína do farelo de soja: 93,37 e 91 ,44%, respectivamente para as rações contendo 8 e 12% de proteína bruta foram maiores (P < 0,01) aos observados para a levedura seca: 85,85 e 87,72%, respectivamente para os mesmos níveis protéicos. As diferenças quanto a valor biológico da proteína do farelo de soja: 51,96 e 56,53 e da levedura seca: 55,37 e 57,17 não foram estatísticamente diferentes nos dois níveis de proteína estudados. Sugeriu-se que parte do nitrogênio não protéico da levedura foi utilizado pelos microorganismos do ceco na síntese protéica.
Title in English
Digestibility and biological value of the yeast protein (Saccharomyces spp.) and the soybean meal for rabbits
Abstract in English
An experiment was carried out with growing rabbits in order to determine protein quality of dried yeast (Saccharomyces spp.) from sugar cane alcohol distillery. The protein quality was determined through digestibility and biological value compared to soybean meal. The first 18 days of the experimental period (28 days) were utilized as a preliminary phase and the last 10 days for the sample collections. Twenty California and White New Zealand weaned rabbits of both sexes were utilized as experimental animals with initial mean body weight of 930 g at 40 days of age. The animals were housed in metabolic cages measuring 0.58 x 0.42 x 0.30 m with automatic feeders and waterers. The experimental design consisted of 4 treatments according to a factorial scheme envolving 2 protein sources (dried yeast and soybean meal) and 2 crude protein levels (C.P.) (8 and 12%). Each treatment was alloted at random to 5 replicates (one animal per replicate). The mean apparent digestibility coeficients of soybean meal were 93.37% and 91.44% for rations containing 8 and 12% C.P., respectively. These means were higher than those observed for dried yeast wich were 85.85% and 87.72%, respectively for the same C.P. levels. The differences between protein biological values in 8 and 12% C.P. levels for soybean meal (51.96% and 56.53%), and for dried yeast (55.37% and 57.17%), respectively, were not statistically differents. Based on the results, of the it can be suggested that part of non protein nitrogen of dried yeast was utilized by cecum microorganisms in protein synthesis.
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