Master's Dissertation
Full name
Catarina Abdalla Gomide
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
Piracicaba, 1988
Title in Portuguese
Estudos da composição quimico-bromatológica e das frações nitrogenadas e fibrosas de diferentes estercos de aves
Keywords in Portuguese
Abstract in Portuguese
O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo o estudo da composição químico-bromatológica da cama de frango (CF-casca de amendoim), da cama de matriz pesada (CMP-cavaco de madeira ou maravalha) e esterco puro de galinhas poedeiras (EG). A amostra CF foi coletada com 0, 16, 32 e 50 dias de idade enquanto que a CMP e EG foram coletadas com 75 e 80 semanas, respectivamente. As amostras CF, CMP e EG foram analisadas para umidade, proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), matéria mineral (MM), extrativo não nitrogenado (ENN), cálcio (Ca), fósforo (P), nitrogênio total (Nt), nitrogênio não protéico (NNP), ácido úrico (AU), nitrogênio nítrico (N-NO3), nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3), fibra bruta (FB), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), hemicelulose, lignina e celulose. Para a amostra CF houve decréscimo nos valores de ENN, FB, FDA, FDN, lignina e celulose, respectivamente, de 22,84%, 70,00%, 81,54%, 86,74%, 10,90% e 70,63% para 8,87%, 51,67%, 35,98%, 52,64%, 5,92% e 27,42%, sendo que tais dados referem-se ao início e ao final do experimento. Para o mesmo período experimental, a amostra CF, apresentou valores crescentes para umidade, PB, EE, MM, Ca, P, Nt, NNP, AU, N-NO3, N-NH3 e hemicelulose indo de 9,75%, 4,69%, 0,47%, 2,00%, 0,29%, 0,01%, 0,75%, 0,25%, 0,0% 0,0%, 0,0% e 5,20% para 36,70%, 23,13%, 3,00%, 13,33%, 1,63%, 1,08%, 3,70%, 1,37%, 0,57%, 0,42%, 0,37% e 16,66%. A composição químico-bromatológica para a amostra CMP foi de 9,98%, umidade; 14,38%, PB; 1,25%, EE; 23,85%, MM; 46,50%, ENN; 6,51%, Ca; 2,45%, P; 2,30%, Nt; 0,60%, NNP; 0,57%, AU; 0,14%, N-NO3; 0,21%, N-NH3; 14,02%, FB; 22,49%, FDA; 45,87%, FDN; 23,38%, hemicelulose; 4,98%, lignina e 14,32%, celulose; para a amostra EG de 6,47%, umidade; 28,75% PB; 2,24%, EE; 21,18%, MM; 37,47%, ENN; 6,56%, Ca; 2,41%, P; 4,60%, Nt; 2,16%, NNP; 1,83% AU; 0,15% N-NO3; 0,35%, N-NH3; 10,36%, FB; 20,96%, FDA; 36,70%, FDN; 15,74%, hemicelulose; 3,59%, lignina e 12,56%, celulose. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho são concordantes com os valores encontrados na literatura.
Title in English
Study of chemical composition and of the nitrogenous and fibrous fractions of three types of dried poultry waste
Abstract in English
A study was carried out in order to obtain data on chemical composition of three types of dried poultry waste. The first type was obtained frorn litter made of peanut hulls (CFr) and samples were taken at 0, 16, 32 and 50 days of age of the birds. The second type refered to dried broiler breeder waste (CMP) taken at 75 weeks of age of the lot and the third type was from brown egg layers kept in cages (EG) and sampled at 80 weeks of age of the lot. The samples were analyzed for moisture, crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), ash (MM), nitrogen free extract (NFE), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), total nitrogen (Nt), non-protein nitrogen (NPN), uric acid (UA), nitric nitrogen (NO3-N), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), crude fibre (CF), acid-detergent fibre (ADF), neutral-detergent fibre (NDF), hermicelulose, lignin and celulose. The results indicated that NFE, CF, ADF, NDF, lignin and celulose decreased from 22,84%, 70,00%, 81,54%, 86,74%, 10,90% and 70,63% to 8,87%, 51,67%, 35,98%, 52,64%, 5,92% and 27,42%, respectively, for CFr samples taken at the start and at the end of the raising period of the broilers. Moisture, CP, EE, MM, Ca, P, Nt, NPN, UA, NO3-N, NH3-H and hemicelulose levels of the same samples increased from 9,75%, 4,69%, 0,47%, 2,00%, 0,29%, 0,01%, 0,75%, 0,25%, 0,0%, 0,0%, 0,0% and 5,20% to 36,70%, 23,13%, 3,00%, 13,33%, 1,63%, 1,08%, 3,70%, 1,37%, 0,57%, 0,42%, 0,37% and 16,66% in the same periods mentioned above. Increased hemicelulose values of CFr sample were observed, probably because faeces percentage was high. The results of chemical analysis for CMP sample were: 9,98%, moisture; 14,38%, CP; 1,25%, EE; 23,85%, MM; 46,50%, NFE; 6,51%, Ca; 2,45%, P; 2,30%, Nt; 0,60%, NPN; 0,57%, UA; 0,14%, NO3-N; 0,21%, NH3-N; 14,02%, CF; 22,49%, ADF; 45,87%%, NDF; 23,38%, hemicelulose; 4,98, lignin and 14,32%, celulose. EG sample showed the following values: 6,47%, moisture; 28,75%, CP; 2,24%, EE; 21,18%, MM; 37,44%, NFE; 6,56%, Ca; 2,41%, P; 4,60%, Nt; 2,16%, NPN; 1,83%, UA; 0,15%, NO3-N; 0,35%, NH3-N; 10,36%, CF; 20,96%, ADF; 36,70%, NDF; 15,74%, hemicelulose; 3,59%; lignin and 12,56%, celulose. The data agree with others found in the literature.
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