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Dissertação de Mestrado
Nome completo
Diva Correia
Unidade da USP
Área do Conhecimento
Data de Defesa
Piracicaba, 1993
Título em português
Crescimento e desenvolvimento de gemas na multiplicação de Eucalyptus spp. in vitro em meio de cultura líquido e sólido
Palavras-chave em português
Resumo em português
Avaliou-se semanalmente, na fase de multiplicação, o crescimento e desenvolvimento de gemas de E. grandis, E. grandis x E.uvophylla e de E. urophylla x E. grandis em meio da cultura líquido, sólido em 42 dias e de E. grandis em meio bifásico em 35 dias. Segmentos nodais foram retirados de árvores com 30 ou 36 meses de idade. Utilizou-se o meio JADS (1989) com 0,5 mg/l BAP. O crescimento e desenvolvimento de gemas dos clones foi avaliado a cada 7 dias através do peso de matéria fresca (PMF) seca (PMS), taxa de crescimento relativo (5) e número de brotações em classes de altura. Houve variações entre clones e/ou tratamentos para PMF, PMS e taxa de crescimento relativo em meio líquido, sólido ou bifásico. Maior PMF e PMS foram obtidos em meio líquido e sólido para E. grandis e E. grandis x E. urophylla, respectivamente; reduções da taxa de crescimento relativo a pós o 14º dia e não houve diferença no PMF e PMS para E. urophylla x E. grandis em meio líquido ou sólido em meio bifásico, a maior frequência de acréscimos de meio líquido promoveu maior PMF, PMS, taxa de crescimento relativo até o 21º dia e número de brotações por explante com alturas mais homogêneas
Título em inglês
Shoot growth and development in the multiplication of Eucalyptus spp. in vitro in liquid and solid tissue culture media
Resumo em inglês
The objectives of this work were: 1) to evaluate weekly the shoot growth and development from clones of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, of E. grandis x E. urophylla and of E. urophylla x E. grandis in liquid and solid tissue culture media in the multiplication phase for 42 days; 2) to evaluate weekly the shoot growth and development of two E. grandis clones in solid + liquid tissue culture media with weekly additions in the multiplication phase for 35 days. For the tissue culture establishment, nodal explants were collected from tree branchs in the field and/or from epicormic shoots from coppices of trees obtained from cuttings and maintained in shade house. The four trees of E. grandis were 36 months old, while the five trees of E. grandis x E. urophylla and the one of E. urophylla x E. grandis were 30 months old. A modified GONÇALVES (1980) tissue culture media was utilized for the establishment and the shoot muItiplication phases. Nineteen successive transfers were made at every 30 days for two clones of E. grandis, twenty additional transfers were made in the solid JADS (1989) tissue culture media. Weekly evaluation of shoot growth and development were made through the measurement of: fresh (FW) and oven dry weight (ODW) and relative growth rate (R%) i the total number of shoots and shoot height classes from the 14th to the 35th day of culture were made only for two E. grandis clones in solid and liquid tissue culture media. The evaluation of shoot growth and development of the clones in liquid and solid JADS tissue culture media showed: - interclonal variation for FW and ODW in liquid and solid tissue culture media for 42 days of culture; - higher R(%) in liquid and solid tissue culture media at the 7th day of culture; - reduction and stabilization of R(%) after the 14th day of culture in liquid and solid media; - in the liquid tissue culture media, there was a higher FW and ODW production for E. grandis; - in the solid tissue culture media, there was a higher FW and ODW production for E. grandis x E. urophyllai; - there was no difference for FW and ODW production either in the liquid as in the solid tissue culture media for E. urophylla x E. grandis. The evaluation of shoot growth and development of two E. grandis clones cultivated in solid + liquid culture media with weekly additions showed: - interclonal and among treatment variations for FW, ODW, R(%) and shoot number and shoot height classes; - that the mean of R(%) was 21,9 in the solid media at the 7th day of culture; - that the weekly additions of liquid tissue culture media to the culture favored the maintenance of the R(%) at 10,8 until the 21st days of culture and the largest mean number of shoots/explant with more uniformity at the shoot height at the 35th day of culture; - reduction and stabilization of R(%) after the 21st day and/or after the last addition of liquid media to alI treatments
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