Master's Dissertation
Full name
Carlos Renato Leal Bicelli
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
Piracicaba, 1983
Title in Portuguese
Levantamento e análise faunística de insetos coletados em cultura de cacau na região de Altamira - Pará
Keywords in Portuguese
Abstract in Portuguese
No presente trabalho, efetuou-se por meio de tratamento de choque com BHC 12% (Knock-down), um levantamento e estudo faunístico dos insetos das Ordens Coleoptera, Hemiptera e Homoptera coletadas em cacaueiro na região de Altamira, Estado do Pará, no período de setembro/1978 a agosto /1981. Foram estudados os parâmetros faunísticos de frequência, constância, dominância, diversidade, similaridade e porcentagem de similaridade, bem como a flutuação populacional das espécies predominantes, correlacionando-as com os fatores meteorológicos e fatores fenológicos do cacaueiro. Foram capturados 20.033 indivíduos pertencentes a 92 espécies, das quais 73 são dominantes. Constataram-se 10 espécies muito abundantes, 12 comuns, 10 dispersas e 60 raras. Observou-se também, que destas espécies, 13 são constantes, 20 acessórias e 59 acidentais. O índice de diversidade foi de 9,2. Verificou-se a maior similaridade entre o 2º (1979/80 e 3º (1980/81) ano de amostragem, com índice de 6,5% o que se confirma pela porcentagem de similaridade de 86,58% entre os referidos anos. O estudo da flutuação populacional das espécies predominantes: <i>Colaspis</i> sp., <i>Noriaia </i>sp., <i>Eccoptopis</i> sp., <i>Rhabdopterus</i> sp., <i>Antitypona</i> spp., <i>Hylax</i> sp., <i>Compsus</i> sp.,(Coleoptera), <i>Antiteuchus tripterus</i> (Fabr., 1787), <i>Platycarenus umbractulatus</i> Fabr., 1803, <i>Acinocoris lunares</i> (Gmelin) (Hemiptera), <i> Clastoptera ochrospila</i> Jacobi, <i>Amastris elevata</i> Funkhouser, <I>Epormenis unimaculata</i> (Fennah) (Homoptera), mostrou que cerca de 60% delas estiveram correlacionadas com fatores fenológicos do cacaueiro, do que com os fatores meteorológicos.
Title in English
Survey and faunal analysis of insects collected in cocoa crops in the region of Altamira State of Pará, Brazil
Abstract in English
This paper deals with a survey and faunal a study of insects of the Ordens Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Homoptera collected in cocoa crops in the region of Altamira, State of Pará, Brazil, from September 1978 to August 1981. The insects were collected by means of a knock-down treatment with BHC 12%. The following faunistic parameters were studied: frequency, constancy, dominance, abundance, diversity, similarity, and percentage of similarity, as well as the population fluctuation of the predominant species. These parameters were then correlated to the meteorological factors and to the phenological factors of the cocoa tree. The total of 20,033 individuals collected included 92 species from which 73 were dominant. Also, it was observed 10 species as very abundant, 12 common, 10 disperse and 60 rare. By other hand of these, 13 species were constant, 20 accessory and 59 accidental. The index of diversity was 9.2 The higher similarity was observed between the second year (1979/80) and the third year (1980/1981) of sampling, with an index of 6.5% wich as confirmed by the percentage of similarity between those years. The predominant species were: <i>Colaspis</i> sp., <i>Noriaia</i> sp., <i>Eccoptopis</i> sp., <i>Rhabdopterus</i> sp., <i>Antitypona</i> spp., <i>Hylax</i> sp., <i>Compsus</i> sp., (Coleoptera), <i>Antiteuchus tripterus</i> (Fabr., 1787), <i>Platycarenus umbractulatus</i> Fabr., 1803, <i>Acinocoris lunares</i> (Gmelin) (Hemiptera), <i>Clastoptera ochrospila</i> Jacobi, <i>Amastris elevata</i> Funkhouser, <i>Epormenis unimaeulata</i> (Homoptera). The study of the population fluctuation on these species have indicated that about 60% of them were correlated to the phenological factors of the coccoa tree.
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