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Tesis Doctoral
Nombre completo
Helena Cristina Padovani Zanlorenzi
Dirección Electrónica
Área de Conocimiento
Fecha de Defensa
São Paulo, 2022
Monteiro, Leonardo Marques (Presidente)
Mendes, Flávio Henrique
Bertoli, Stelamaris Rolla
Shimomura, Alessandra Rodrigues Prata
Velasco, Giuliana Del Nero
Título en portugués
A influência da vegetação no ambiente termoacústico em espaços abertos
Palabras clave en portugués
Acústica urbana
Barreiras vegetais
Clima urbano
Conforto ambiental
Conforto térmico
Resumen en portugués
O estudo dos espaços urbanos abertos requer análises específicas visando a obtenção de condições favoráveis de conforto termoacústico na escala do pedestre. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar empiricamente o desempenho de elementos arbustivo-arbóreos como barreira aos ventos e como barreira acústica, associando-se a estudos consolidados sobre a percepção de usuários em relação ao tema. A hipótese é que existe uma relação entre o Índice de Área Foliar (LAI) dos elementos vegetais e sua atenuação aos ventos; não é prevista a mesma resposta quanto à atenuação acústica de elementos vegetais isolados, sobre a qual se estima uma importante influência da percepção dos usuários. Foram selecionadas quinze espécies vegetais com corpo na altura do pedestre, no campus do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT), situado junto à Cidade Universitária em São Paulo SP. As variáveis medidas foram direção e velocidade dos ventos, temperatura do ar e umidade relativa do ar, associadas a uma estação meteorológica portátil de armazenamento dos dados, com medições em duas posições distintas por espécie: antes e depois do elemento vegetal. A coleta dos dados microclimáticos foi efetuada em janeiro de 2020, das 9h00 às 16h30, em intervalos de cinco minutos, sendo um dia por espécie. A medição do LAI das espécies foi realizada ao longo do mesmo mês com o equipamento LAI-2200 (Li-Cor) e com fotos hemisféricas tipo fisheye associadas ao programa Gap Light Analyzer (GLA). Não foi possível efetuar as medições acústicas no mesmo período, e foram realizadas em fevereiro de 2022. Os resultados obtidos entre LAI e atenuação dos ventosindicam que estudos complementares são necessários para aprofundar a questão, bem como analisar o tema junto a outras variáveis interferentes (R2= 0,338). As medições acústicas resultaram em reduções pouco significativas dos níveis de pressão sonora, mantendo-se as considerações quanto à influência da percepção dos usuários no conforto acústico dos espaços com elementos vegetais isolados e demandando estudos mais aprofundados.
Título en inglés
The influence of vegetation on thermoacoustic environment in open spaces
Palabras clave en inglés
Environmental comfort
Plant barriers
Thermal comfort
Urban acoustics
Urban climate
Resumen en inglés
The study of open urban spaces requires specific analyzes aimed at obtaining favorable conditions of thermoacoustic comfort at the pedestrian scale. The objective of this work was to empirically evaluate shrub-tree elements as a barrier to winds and as an acoustic barrier, in association with consolidated studies on the perception of users about the theme. The hypothesis is that there is a relationship between the Leaf Area Index (LAI) of plant elements and their attenuation to winds; the same response is not expected regarding the acoustic attenuation of isolated plant elements, on which an important influence of the users' perception is estimated. Fifteen plant species were selected with a body at the height of pedestrians, on the campus of the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT), located next to Cidade Universitária in São Paulo SP. The variables measured were wind direction and speed, air temperature and relative humidity, associated with a portable weather station for data storage, with measurements in two different positions per species: before and after the plant element. The collection of microclimatic data was carried out in January 2020, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, at 5-minute intervals, one day per species. The measurement of LAI of the species was performed throughout the same month with the LAI-2200 equipment (Li-Cor) and with hemispherical fisheye photos associated with the Gap Light Analyzer (GLA) program. It was not possible to carry out the acoustic measurements in the same period, and they were made in February 2022. The results obtained between LAI and wind attenuation indicate that complementary studies are needed to deepen the question, as well as to analyze the theme along with other interfering variables (R2= 0,338). Acoustic measurements resulted in little significant reductions in sound pressure levels, maintaining considerations regarding the influence of users' perception on the acoustic comfort of spaces with isolated plant elements and demanding further studies. The influence of vegetation on thermoacoustic environment in open spaces. 2022. 167 p. Thesis (Doctoral) Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2022. The study of open urban spaces requires specific analyzes aimed at obtaining favorable conditions of thermoacoustic comfort at the pedestrian scale. The objective of this work was to empirically evaluate shrub-tree elements as a barrier to winds and as an acoustic barrier, in association with consolidated studies on the perception of users about the theme. The hypothesis is that there is a relationship between the Leaf Area Index (LAI) of plant elements and their attenuation to winds; the same response is not expected regarding the acoustic attenuation of isolated plant elements, on which an important influence of the users' perception is estimated. Fifteen plant species were selected with a body at the height of pedestrians, on the campus of the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT), located next to Cidade Universitária in São Paulo SP. The variables measured were wind direction and speed, air temperature and relative humidity, associated with a portable weather station for data storage, with measurements in two different positions per species: before and after the plant element. The collection of microclimatic data was carried out in January 2020, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, at 5-minute intervals, one day per species. The measurement of LAI of the species was performed throughout the same month with the LAI-2200 equipment (Li-Cor) and with hemispherical fisheye photos associated with the Gap Light Analyzer (GLA) program. It was not possible to carry out the acoustic measurements in the same period, and they were made in February 2022. The results obtained between LAI and wind attenuation indicate that complementary studies are needed to deepen the question, as well as to analyze the theme along with other interfering variables (R2= 0,338). Acoustic measurements resulted in little significant reductions in sound pressure levels, maintaining considerations regarding the influence of users' perception on the acoustic comfort of spaces with isolated plant elements and demanding further studies.
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