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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Renata Gabriela Pereira Cunha Pontes
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
Ribeirão Preto, 2023
Engel, Edgard Eduard (President)
Etchebehere, Mauricio
Souza, Antônio Marcelo Gonçalves de
Title in Portuguese
Avaliação do retorno ao trabalho de pacientes submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico de síndrome do túnel do carpo
Keywords in Portuguese
Retorno ao trabalho
Síndrome do túnel do carpo
Abstract in Portuguese
A Síndrome do Túnel do Carpo (STC) tem alta prevalência na população, sendo uma das principais causas de afastamento do trabalho, gerando impactos significativos na seguridade social e nos gastos relacionados à saúde ocupacional. Compreender os fatores envolvidos no tempo de retorno ao trabalho após a cirurgia é essencial para orientação eficaz dos pacientes. Este é um estudo observacional e descritivo que buscou caracterizar os fatores que influenciam o tempo de retorno ao trabalho após tratamento cirúrgico de STC. Foram avaliados pacientes com vínculo empregatício, operados entre janeiro de 2015 e outubro de 2022 nos hospitais HC-FMRP-USP em Ribeirão Preto e no Hospital Estadual de Serrana. Do total inicial de 445 pacientes, 189 foram excluídos por óbito, aposentadoria, desemprego ou por se tratarem de donas de casa. Todos os demais 256 pacientes receberam um formulário via WhatsApp e 56 enviaram respostas. Da amostra final de respondentes, 87,9% eram mulheres, 69,6% se identificaram como brancos e a idade média era de 44 anos (de 27 a 64 anos). O tempo médio de retorno ao trabalho após a cirurgia foi de 39,8 (DP: 22,3) dias. A maioria dos pacientes (55,4%) retornou entre 15 e 30 dias após a cirurgia. Os pacientes que consideraram que sua mão estava melhor do que antes da cirurgia, tiveram média de retorno menor (36,3 dias, DP: 20,7) se comparados àqueles que classificaram sua mão como igual (47,5 dias, DP: 27,5) ou pior (55 dias, DP: 22,9) que antes da cirurgia (p=0,08). Trabalhadores autônomos retornaram 6,5 dias mais cedo ao trabalho que assalariados com carteira assinada (p=0,49). A maioria dos pacientes (57,1%) foi afastada pelo INSS (Instituto Nacional de Segurança Social), com média de afastamento maior que aqueles não afastados (p=0,002). O retorno ao trabalho após cirurgia do túnel do carpo é associado a múltiplas variáveis, sendo a percepção do resultado cirúrgico e a cobertura pelo plano de previdência (INSS) as mais relevantes na amostra estudada.
Title in English
Evaluation of return to work of patients submitted to surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome
Keywords in English
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Return to work
Abstract in English
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) has a high prevalence in the population and is a leading cause of work absenteeism, resulting in significant impacts on social security and occupational health expenditures. Understanding the factors involved in the return-to-work time following surgery is vital for effective patient guidance. This observational and descriptive study aimed to identify factors influencing the return-to-work time after CTS surgical treatment. The study evaluated individuals who underwent surgical procedures between January 2015 and October 2022 at the Clinical Hospital of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo, as well as the State Hospital of Serrana, all of whom were actively employed during that time. From an initial cohort of 445 patients, 189 were subsequently excluded from the analysis due to factors such as mortality, retirement, unemployment, and the status of being a housewife. Among the remaining 256 patients who were provided with a questionnaire through the WhatsApp platform, 56 participants provided responses. Of the final sample, 87.9% were women, 69.6% identified as white, and the average age was 44 (from 27 to 64) years. The average return-to-work time for the studied Brazilian population post-CTS surgery was 39.8 (SD: 22,3) days. Most patients (55.4%) returned between 15 and 30 days after the operation. Patients who felt their hand was better than before the surgery had a shorter average return time (36.3 days, SD: 20,7) compared to those who rated their hand as the same (47.5 days, SD: 27,5) or worse (55 days, SD: 22,9) than before surgery (p=0.08). Self-employed patients returned to work 6.5 days earlier than salaried employees (p=0.49). Most patients (57.1%) took leave under INSS (National Institute of Social Security in Brazil), with a longer average leave time than those not on leave (p=0.002). This analysis shows that returning to work after CTS surgery is associated with multiple variables, with surgical outcome perception and INSS coverage being the most relevant in the studied sample.
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