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Dissertação de Mestrado
Nome completo
Carlos Alberto Jimenez Vazquez
Unidade da USP
Área do Conhecimento
Data de Defesa
São Paulo, 2023
Banca examinadora
Ballestero, Luiz Ricardo Basso (Presidente)
Nicolau, Evandro Carlos
Velardi, Marilia
Título em português
Entre mundos: Identidades híbridas en la interpretación de la canción lírica española
Palavras-chave em português
Resumo em português
Título em inglês
Palavras-chave em inglês
flamenco music
vocal performance
Resumo em inglês
The present work initially aimed to study the cultural phenomena contributing to a particular interpretation of Spanish lyrical songs related to popular flamenco music. However, throughout the study, this objective was reconfigured and modified through different paths and perspectives, generating a work that navigated through diverse transcultural worlds, problematizing a series of assumptions, and adopting a critical and social stance. Using autoethnography as the methodology, the monograph addresses, in the first person, a series of family and personal circumstances that directly influenced my multidisciplinary identity, expressing musical traits present in my artistic interpretation. Throughout the academic journey, I introduce a series of poetic elements, photos, drawings, and recordings that complement, illustrate, and contextualize the theoretical reflections in the text. As a consequence of the study, I highlight the power of my father's flamenco orality in the interpretation of lyrical songs, redefining the dichotomy between classical and popular music.
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