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Dissertação de Mestrado
Nome completo
Helder de Aguiar Alves Henrique
Unidade da USP
Área do Conhecimento
Data de Defesa
São Paulo, 1993
Banca examinadora
França, Luis Novaes Ferreira (Presidente)
Costa Neto, Alvaro
Fleury, Agenor de Toledo
Título em português
Análise dinâmica de sistemas multicorpos: uma abordagem pelas equações de Kane
Palavras-chave em português
Sistemas multicorpos
Resumo em português
A dissertação apresenta uma metodologia para análise dinâmica de sistemas multicorpos pelas equações de Kane. Consideram-se corpos rígidos formando uma cadeia aberta, podendo conter uma única cadeia fechada. Foi usado o programa Sismul.
Título em inglês
Untitled in english
Palavras-chave em inglês
Multibody systems
Resumo em inglês
This work brings forth a methodology for dynamical analysis of systems like robots, mechanisms, cables, biomechanical systems and vehicle suspensions. The analized systems can contain sets of rigid bodies with a single closed loop and bodies with specified movements. (For example: a body system with accelaration, velocity and displacement fields known in time). DAlembert Principle presented in Lagrangian form (Kanes Equation) will be used to deduce the equations of the moviment. This procedure allows that the orthogonal complemente eliminate the nonworking internal forces (like in Langrange method) without the disadvantages (the derivation of energy functions is substituted by a product of vectors). The use of relative angular velocities (expressed in terms of Euler parameters) as generalized velocities gives advantages to the computational algorithms. The equation system is then integrated with the Runge Kutta fourth order method which presente good numerical stability. The required data for the analysis are the physical caracteristics and the geometrical ones (know through the body conection array which describe the topology of the model), the joint types, the applied forces and the initial conditions. As final results, it willbe determined the time history of the movement. i.e., the system form and movement (acceleration, angular acceleration, velocity and angular velocity) in the same intervals of time like the straims (forces and movements) in the joints.
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