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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Marcelo Makoto Higuchi
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2018
Nakano, Davi Noboru (President)
Ramos, Reinaldo Augusto de Oliveira
Sakuda, Luiz Ojima
Title in English
Digital games platforms: a literature review, an empirical assessment of quality and exclusivity in video-game market and a study on project management.
Keywords in English
Agile methodologies
Bibliometric study
Design thinking
game development
Payment schemes
Project management
Simultaneous effect
Two sided-markets
Video game market
Abstract in English
Digital games are part of the creative industries, which is based on value creation through ideas and creativity. This market has gained relevance due to technology development that attracted both new firms and users. The present dissertation aims to explore three themes: (1) video game market as a two-sided market; (2) the effects of characteristics and behavior of game titles on consoles sales; and (3) project management to develop digital games. Those themes were explored through three articles: the first is a literature review and a bibliometric study of the economic concepts on two-sided market, which focused at identifying main topics, research trends and avenues for futures research. The second text is an analysis on the simultaneous influence of games' quality and exclusivity on console sales. The last one is a qualitative, multiple-case study to understand, explore and suggest improvements to game project management in the Brazilian market. Findings include: (1) the main authors and topics, trends and developments, from and avenues for future research; (2) combinations of quality and exclusivity can affect console sales either positively or negatively, (3) quality has a predominant effect on sales over games non-exclusivity; and (4) the use of agile methodologies and Design Thinking are diffused among game developers.
Title in Portuguese
Plataforma de jogos digitais: uma revisão da literatura, uma avaliação empírica de qualidade e exclusividade no mercado de video-game e um estudo sobre gestão de projeto.
Keywords in Portuguese
Administração de projetos
Jogos eletrônicos
Abstract in Portuguese
Sem resumo.
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