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Mémoire de Maîtrise
Nom complet
Flavia Venetucci Gouveia
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
São Paulo, 2009
Canteras, Newton Sabino (Président)
Felicio, Luciano Freitas
Scavone, Cristoforo
Titre en portugais
Estudo neuroquímico do núcleo pré-mamilar ventral nos animais submissos durante os encontros agonísticos sociais.
Mots-clés en portugais
Comportamento agressivo
Neuroquímica de animal
Óxido Nítrico
Resumé en portugais
Os comportamentos agonísticos sociais dispostos por animais dominantes e subordinados podem ser notados no paradigma residente intruso. No hipotálamo há o núcleo pré-mamilar ventral (PMv) ligado a um sistema sexualmente dimórfico e relacionado a reprodução e comportamentos agonísticos. A cópula é fundamental para a modulação do comportamento de dominância e aumenta os níveis de CART (Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript) no PMv. Animais knockout de Sintase do Óxido Nítrico (NOS) apresentam agressão acentuada. Através da hibridização in situ estudamos a expressão de CART e de NOS nos animais com experiência sexual prévia ao encontro agonístico e sem experiência sexual (naive). No grupo que copulou foi visto aumento na expressão de CART e comportamento diferente do grupo naive visto que buscam a dominância e não apresentam posturas de submissão. Este aumento não foi observado nos níveis de NOS. Sugere-se que a experiência sexual esteja relacionada ao aumento de CART no PMv e possivelmente perda do comportamento subordinado e aumento da busca da dominância.
Titre en anglais
Neurochemic study of the premammillary ventralis nucleus on submissive animals during social agonistic encounters.
Mots-clés en anglais
Aggressive behavior
Neurochemistry of animal
Nitric Oxide
Resumé en anglais
Aggressive behavior occurs when the interests of one or more individuals conflict. Territory is one of these interests, and the resident intruder paradigm is widely used to observe the expression of social agonistic behaviors. The dominance behavior has been studied under several views and it was shown that it can be raised by the presence of the female, its olfactory clues and by the sexual behavior. In the hypothalamus there is the premammillary ventralis nucleus (PMv) connected to a sexual dimorphic system and related to reproduction and agonistic behaviors. This nucleus was suggested as being involved in the modulation of aggressive behavior, and PMvs neuropeptides can have a direct relation with the expression of those agonistic behaviors. Males exposed to females olfactory clues show an increase in the expression of CART (C Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript) in the PMv. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) knockout animals show increased aggression. In the present investigation, using in situ hybridization we studied the expression of the mRNA of CART and NOS on intruders exposed to the resident-intruder paradigm. Two experimental groups were examined: one with sexual experience before the agonistic encounter and other naïve. It was observed increased expression of CART in the PMv in the sexual-experienced intruder. More, these animals behaved differently from naive intruders, and did not display submissive postures and start searching for dominance. Sexual experienced intruders presented increased expression of CART, but not NOS, mRNA. Thus, suggesting that the sexual experience is related to an increase in CART expression in the PMv and possibly with the lost of submissive behavior and increased search for dominance status.
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