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Tese de Doutorado
Nome completo
Clayton Suguio Hida
Unidade da USP
Área do Conhecimento
Data de Defesa
São Paulo, 2019
Banca examinadora
Brech, Christina (Presidente)
Aurichi, Leandro Fiorini
Batista, Leandro Candido
Bianconi, Ricardo
Royer, Danilo
Título em inglês
Uncountable irredundant sets in nonseparable scattered C*-algebras
Palavras-chave em inglês
Irredundant sets
Scattered C*-algebras
Resumo em inglês
Given a C*-algebra $\A$, an irredundant set in $\A$ is a subset $\mathcal$ of $\A$ such that no $a\in \mathcal$ belongs to the C*-subalgebra generated by $\mathcal\setminus\{a\}$. Every separable C*-algebra has only countable irredundant sets and we ask if every nonseparable C*-algebra has an uncountable irredundant set. For commutative C*-algebras, if $K$ is the Kunen line then $C(K)$ is a consistent example of a nonseparable commutative C*-algebra without uncountable irredundant sets. On the other hand, a result due to S. Todorcevic establishes that it is consistent with ZFC that every nonseparable C*-algebra of the form $C(K)$, for a compact 0-dimensional space $K$, has an uncountable irredundant set. By the method of forcing, we construct a nonseparable and noncommutative scattered C*-algebra $\A$ without uncountable irredundant sets and with no nonseparable abelian subalgebras. On the other hand, we prove that it is consistent that every C*-subalgebra of $\B(\ell_2)$ of density continuum has an irredundant set of size continuum.
Título em inglês
Uncountable irredundant sets in nonseparable scattered C*-algebras
Palavras-chave em inglês
Irredundant sets
Scattered C*-algebras
Resumo em inglês
Given a C*-algebra $\A$, an irredundant set in $\A$ is a subset $\mathcal$ of $\A$ such that no $a\in \mathcal$ belongs to the C*-subalgebra generated by $\mathcal\setminus\{a\}$. Every separable C*-algebra has only countable irredundant sets and we ask if every nonseparable C*-algebra has an uncountable irredundant set. For commutative C*-algebras, if $K$ is the Kunen line then $C(K)$ is a consistent example of a nonseparable commutative C*-algebra without uncountable irredundant sets. On the other hand, a result due to S. Todorcevic establishes that it is consistent with ZFC that every nonseparable C*-algebra of the form $C(K)$, for a compact 0-dimensional space $K$, has an uncountable irredundant set. By the method of forcing, we construct a nonseparable and noncommutative scattered C*-algebra $\A$ without uncountable irredundant sets and with no nonseparable abelian subalgebras. On the other hand, we prove that it is consistent that every C*-subalgebra of $\B(\ell_2)$ of density continuum has an irredundant set of size continuum.
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