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Thèse de Doctorat
Nom complet
Denis Ricardo Miyashiro
Adresse Mail
Unité de l'USP
Domain de Connaissance
Date de Soutenance
São Paulo, 2021
Sanches Junior, Jose Antonio (Président)
Cassia, Flávia de Freire
Pereira, Juliana
Valente, Neusa Yuriko Sakai
Titre en portugais
Micose fungoide e síndrome de Sézary: caracterização demográfica, clínica, histopatológica, imunopatológica, molecular, laboratorial e evolutiva de coorte observada no ambulatório de linfomas
Mots-clés en portugais
linfomas cutâneos
micose fungoide
síndrome de Sézary
Resumé en portugais
INTRODUÇÃO: Micose fungoide (MF) é o linfoma cutâneo de células T mais prevalente, e a síndrome de Sézary (SS) é uma variante leucêmica agressiva. A variação geográfica das características da MF/SS é grande. Não há estudo abrangendo uma grande coorte de pacientes com MF/SS no Brasil. OBJETIVOS: Descrever as características demográficas, clínicas, histopatológicas, imunopatológicas, moleculares, laboratoriais e evolutivas de uma grande coorte de pacientes com MF/SS em um serviço de saúde público terciário no Brasil. Correlacionar variantes, subtipos, estágios e sobrevida com os dados demográficos, clínicos, histopatológicos, imunopatológicos, moleculares e laboratoriais. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional de coorte retrospectivo a partir de banco de dados e prontuários médicos. Foram analisados pacientes diagnosticados com MF/SS avaliados no ambulatório de linfomas cutâneos da Divisão de Clínica Dermatológica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, entre 1989 e 2018; e foram coletados dados demográficos, clínicos, histopatológicos, imunopatológicos, moleculares e laboratoriais no momento do diagnóstico. Foram analisados os tratamentos ao longo do seguimento e o estado do paciente na última avaliação. RESULTADOS: Dentre 856 pacientes com linfomas cutâneos de células T/NK, 78,6% (673/856) apresentavam MF e 6,3% (54/856) SS. Houve 51,2% (372/727) de pacientes masculinos e 48,8% (355/727) femininos. A mediana de idade ao diagnóstico foi de 51,8 anos. Dentre os pacientes com MF, 41,8% (281/673) apresentavam a forma de Alibert-Bazin, com formação de patches, placas e tumores; 4,9% (33/673) apresentavam a variante foliculotrópica; 1,8% (12/673) a cútis laxa granulomatosa; e 0,3% (2/673) a reticulose pagetoide. Além destas variantes, outros subtipos incluíram 14,1% (95/673) pacientes com MF eritrodérmica, 10,8% (73/673) com MF hipocromiante, 10,8% (73/673) com MF poiquilodérmica, 0,6% (4/673) com MF granulomatosa, 0,3% (2/673) com MF papulosa, 0,1% (1/673) com MF hipercrômica, e 14,4% (97/673) com formas mistas em que mais de uma variante ou subtipo foram observados no mesmo paciente. O achado histológico mais frequente foi o epidermotropismo/exocitose de linfócitos, observado em 96,2% (563/585) dos casos. Porém, 20,4% (70/343) dos pacientes com MF e 35,1% (13/37) dos pacientes com SS tiveram biópsias cutâneas iniciais inespecíficas. Acometimento linfonodal, de medula óssea e visceral raramente foram observados. A presença de população monoclonal de linfócitos T foi detectada na pele em 52,8% (93/176) dos pacientes com MF e 78,6% (22/28) com SS; no sangue em 23,6% (43/182) dos pacientes com MF e 93,7% (30/32) com SS; e no linfonodo 62,5% (15/24) dos pacientes com MF e 83,3% (15/18) com SS. De acordo com o estadiamento, 62,4% (413/662) apresentavam estágio inicial (estágios IA a IIA) no momento do diagnóstico, e 37,6% (249/662) apresentavam estágio avançado (estágio IIB a IVB). A sobrevida global em 5 anos foi de 82,7%. Após análise multivariada, diagnóstico de SS, MF foliculotrópica, MF eritrodérmica, estadiamento, idade (>= 60 anos), aumento da desidrogenase láctica e transformação para linfoma de grandes células conferiram um pior prognóstico. CONCLUSÕES: Esta é a maior coorte brasileira e latino-americana de pacientes com MF/SS. As características demográficas, clínicas, histopatológicas, imunopatológicas, moleculares, laboratoriais e evolutivas estiveram de acordo com a maioria dos estudos norte-americanos, europeus e asiáticos. Fatores associados a pior prognóstico descritos na literatura também foram observados no presente trabalho.
Titre en anglais
Mycosis fungoides and Sézary syndrome: demographic, clinical, histopathological, immunopathological, molecular, laboratory and evolutionary characterization of the cohort observed at the cutaneous lymphomas outpatient clinic of the Division of Clinical Dermatology of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School between 1989 and 2018
Mots-clés en anglais
cutaneous lymphomas
mycosis fungoides
Sézary syndrome
Resumé en anglais
INTRODUCTION: Mycosis fungoides (MF) is the most prevalent cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and Sézary syndrome (SS) is an aggressive leukemic variant. Geographical variation of MF/SS characteristics is large. There is no study covering a large cohort of patients with MF/SS in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: To describe the demographic, clinical, histopathological, immunopathological, molecular, laboratory and evolutionary characteristics of a large cohort of patients with MF/SS in a tertiary public health service in Brazil. To correlate variants, subtypes, stages, and survival with demographic, clinical, histopathological, immunopathological, molecular, and laboratory data. METHODS: Retrospective observational cohort study from database and medical records. Patients diagnosed with MF/SS evaluated in the cutaneous lymphomas outpatient clinic of the Division of Clinical Dermatology of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, between 1989 and 2018, were analyzed; and demographic, clinical, histopathological, immunopathological, molecular, and laboratory data were collected at the time of diagnosis. The treatments during the follow-up and the patient's condition in the last evaluation were analyzed. RESULTS: Among 856 patients with cutaneous T/NK cell lymphomas, 78.6% (673/856) had MF and 6.3% (54/856) SS. There were 51.2% (372/727) of male and 48.8% (355/727) of female patients. The median age at diagnosis was 51.8 years. Among patients with MF, 41.8% (281/673) had the Alibert-Bazin form, with the formation of patches, plaques, and tumors; 4.9% (33/673) had the folliculotropic variant; 1.8% (12/673) the granulomatous slack skin; and 0.3% (2/673) the pagetoid reticulosis. In addition to these variants, other subtypes included 14.1% (95/673) patients with erythrodermic MF, 10.8% (73/673) with hypopigmented MF, 10.8% (73/673) with poikilodermatous MF, 0.6% (4/673) with granulomatous MF, 0.3% (2/673) with papular MF, 0.1% (1/673) with hyperpigmented MF, and 14.4% (97/673) with mixed forms when more than one variant or subtype were observed in the same patient. The most frequent histological finding was epidermotropism/exocytosis of lymphocytes, observed in 96.2% (563/585) of the cases. However, 20.4% (70/343) of the patients with MF and 35.1% (13/37) of the patients with SS had non-specific initial skin biopsies. Lymph node, bone marrow, and visceral involvement were rarely observed. The presence of a monoclonal T-lymphocyte population was detected on the skin in 52.8% (93/176) of the patients with MF and 78.6% (22/28) with SS; on the blood in 23.6% (43/182) of the patients with MF and 93.7% (30/32) with SS; and on the lymph node in 62.5% (15/24) of the patients with MF and 83.3% (15/18) with SS. According to staging, 62.4% (413/662) had early-stage disease (stages IA to IIA) at the time of diagnosis, and 37.6% (249/662) had advanced-stage disease (stage IIB to IVB). The overall 5-year survival was 82.7%. After multivariate analysis, diagnosis of SS, folliculotropic MF, erythrodermic MF, clinical stage, age (>= 60 years), increased lactate dehydrogenase, and large cell transformation conferred a worse prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest Brazilian and Latin American cohort of patients with MF/SS. Demographic, clinical, histopathological, immunopathological, molecular, laboratory, and evolutionary characteristics were in agreement with most North American, European, and Asian studies. Factors associated with a worse prognosis described in the literature were also observed in the present study.
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