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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Veronica Rodrigues Teixeira
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2007
Chammas, Roger (President)
Barreira, Maria Cristina Roque Antunes
Brentani, Maria Mitzi
Marie, Suely Kazue Nagahashi
Winter, Lucile Maria Floeter
Title in Portuguese
Mecanismos associados à perda de expressão do gene de galectina-3 em um modelo de progressão de melanoma murino
Keywords in Portuguese
Expressão gênica
Galectina 3
Abstract in Portuguese
Galectina-3 é uma lectina animal que apresenta afinidade por b- galactosídeos e que tem sido associada à progressão tumoral e metástase. A expressão de galectina-3 encontra-se alterada durante a progressão tumoral de diferentes neoplasias. Em tumores como carcinoma de tiróide e bexiga a expressão de galectina-3 encontra-se aumentada, enquanto que em tumores como carcinoma de mama e ovário a expressão desta lectina encontra-se diminuída. Neste trabalho nós utilizamos um modelo de progressão tumoral de melanoma murino para investigar os mecanismos envolvidos na perda de expressão de galectina-3. Este modelo é composto por uma linhagem de melanócitos imortalizados (melan-a) e duas linhagens de melanoma de crescimento vertical (Tm1 e Tm5) estabelecidas após submeter a linhagem melan-a a inúmeros ciclos de de-adesão. Enquanto melan-a acumula grandes quantidades de galectina-3, as linhagens Tm1 e Tm5 deixaram de expressar o gene de galectina-3. Análise da região 5' do gene de galectina-3 demonstrou que esta região apresentava grande conteúdo de dinucleotídeos CpG e vários sítios SP1. O seqüenciamento desta região após tratamento do DNA com bissulfito de sódio mostrou que esta região estava totalmente metilada nas linhagens Tm1 e Tm5 e desmetilada na linhagem melan-a. O tratamento da linhagem Tm1 com 5-Aza-2'-deoxicitidina (5-Aza-CdR), um inibidor da DNA metiltransferase, provocou um decréscimo significativo nos níveis de metilação da região 5' do gene de galectina-3 que por sua vez levou a re-expressão do RNAm e da proteína. O tratamento de Tm1 com os inibidores de histono deacetilases tricostatina A e 4-ácido-fenilbutírico em combinação com 5-Aza-CdR não aumentou os níveis de expressão do gene de galectina-3 e curiosamente, reverteu o efeito induzido por 5-Aza-CdR. Em adição, a expressão da enzima DNMT1 apresentou um discreto aumento nas linhagens Tm1 e Tm5 em relação a melan-a. Em conjunto esses resultados sugerem que mecanismos epigenéticos como a metilação estão envolvidos no controle de expressão do gene de galectina- 3 ao longo da progressão tumoral de melanoma murino.
Title in English
Mechanisms associated to the loss of galectin-3 gene expression in a model of murine melanoma progression
Keywords in English
Galectin 3
Gene expression
Abstract in English
Galectin-3 is a b-galactoside-binding animal lectin, shown to be involved in tumor progression and metastasis. Galectin-3 expression has been found altered along tumor progression of different tumors. In some types of cancers such as thyroid carcinoma and bladder carcinoma, galectin-3 expression has been found increased, whereas in tumors such as breast carcinoma and ovary carcinoma the expression of this lectin has been found decreased along tumor progression. In this study, we have used a murine melanoma model to investigate the mechanisms responsible for the loss of galectin-3 gene expression. This model consists of a cell line of immortalized melanocytes (melan-a) and two cell lines of vertical growth phase melanoma (Tm1 and Tm5) established after submitting melan-a cells to several deadhesion cycles. While melan-a expressed high amounts of galectin-3, both Tm1 and Tm5 cells lost galectin-3 gene expression. Analysis of the 5' upstream region of the galectin-3 gene demonstrated the presence of a high CpG content and several SP1 binding sites. Bisulfite sequencing of this region showed that it was fully methylated in Tm1 and Tm5 cells and unmethylated in melan-a cells. Treatment of Tm1 cells with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-Aza-CdR), a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, led to a marked decrease in the methylation levels of the 5' upstream region of the galectin-3 gene, which led to transcription of the galectin-3 gene. Treatment of Tm1 cells with the histone-deacetylase inhibitors trichostatin A and 4- acid-phenilbutyrate in combination with 5-Aza-CdR did not increase the levels of galectin-3 gene expression and intriguingly, reverted the effect of 5-Aza-CdR alone. In addition, the expression of DNMT1 showed a modest, but significant increase in Tm1 and Tm5 cells as compared with melan-a cells. Altogether these results indicate that epigenetic mechanisms such as methylation play a role in the regulation of the galectin-3 gene expression along murine melanoma progression.
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WARNING: The material described below relates to works resulting from this thesis or dissertation. The contents of these works are the author's responsibility.
  • BORGES, BEATRIZ E., et al. De novo galectin-3 expression influences the response of melanoma cells to isatin-Schiff base copper (II) complex-induced oxidative stimulus [doi:10.1016/j.cbi.2013.08.005]. Chemico-Biological Interactions [online], 2013, vol. 206, p. 37-46.

  • MACHADO, Camila Maria Longo, et al. Galectin-3 disruption impaired tumoral angiogenesis by reducing VEGF secretion from TGF 1-induced macrophages [doi:10.1002/cam4.173]. Cancer Medicine [online], 2014, vol. 3, p. n/a-n/a.

  • SOUZA, G A de, et al. Proteomic and SAGE profiling of murine melanoma progression indicates the reduction of proteins responsible for ROS degradation [doi:10.1002/pmic.200500243]. Proteomics [online], 2006, vol. 6, p. 1460-1470.

  • COSTA, Marilena da, et al. Heterologous expression of galectin-3 in murine melanoma decreases cell growth and sensitizes to induced cell death in vitro. In 8th Annual conference of the Society for Glycobiology, San Diego, 2003. Glycobiology., 2003. Abstract.

  • TEIXEIRA, V R, et al. Loss of galectin-3 gene expression by epigenetic mechanisms is associated with nodal metastasis in human breast cancer. In AACR Special Conference on Metastasis, Vancouver, 2008. AACR Special Meeting on Metastasis. : American Association for Cancer Research, 2008. Abstract.

  • TEIXEIRA, V. R., et al. Loss of galectin-3 expression by epigenetic mechanisms is associated with nodal metastasis in human breast cancer. In Metastasis Research Society, Vancouver, 2008. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. : Springer, 2009. Abstract.

  • TEIXEIRA, Verônica Rodrigues, et al. EVIDENCE THAT DNA METHYLATION CONTRIBUTES TO REGULATION OF GALECTIN-3 EXPRESSION IN HUMAN CANCERS. In XIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Biologia Celular e IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Matris Extracellular, IV International Symposium on Extracellular Matrix. , 2006. Abstract.


  • TEIXEIRA, Verônica Rodrigues, et al. Galectin-3 gene expression is silenced by methylation of its promoter in murine melanoma cells. In XXXIII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, Caxambu, 2004. SBBq2004- Resumos., 2004. Abstract.

  • TEIXEIRA, Verônica Rodrigues, et al. Galectin-3 Gene Is Silenced by Epigenetic Mechanisms along Melanoma Progression. In IV São Paulo Research Conference Cancer Today: From Molecular Biology to Treatment, São Paulo, 2005. Applied Cancer Research Supplement., 2005. Abstract.

  • TEIXEIRA, Verônica Rodrigues, et al. Galectin-3 is silenced by methylation along melanoma progression. In XIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Biologia Celular e IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Matris Extracellular, IV International Symposium on Extracellular Matrix, Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, 2006. , 2006. Abstract.

  • ZIMMERMANN, Lara, et al. Galectin-3 expression, deposition in the extracellular matrix and posttranslational modifications are altered under hypoxic conditions. In Annual Meeting of the Society for Glycobiology, San Diego, 2009. Glycobiology (Oxford). : Oxford University Press, 2009. Abstract.

  • COSTA, Marilena da, et al. Galectin-3 expression is lost in murine melanoma tumor progression. In SIMEC2002-Simposio Internacional sobre Matriz Extracelular, Angra dos Reis, 2002. SIMEC 2002- Program and Abstract Book., 2002. Abstract.

  • COSTA, Marilena da, et al. Galectin-3 gene expression is silenced by methylation of its promoter in murine melanoma cells. In I Simpósio Avanços em Pesquisas Médicas dos Laboratórios de Investigação Médica do HC-FMUSP, São Paulo, 2003. Resumo. Dispon?vel em: http://www.usp.br/medicina/direxlim.

  • SOUZA, G. A., et al. Initial analysis of melanoma progression using a proteomic approach. In XXXIII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, Caxambu, 2004. SBBq2004- Resumos., 2004. Abstract.

  • TEIXEIRA, V R, et al. Epigenetic mechanisms control galectin-3 gene expression along murine melanoma progression. In SIMEC 2004, Angra dos Reis, 2004. SIMEC-2004., 2004. Abstract.

  • BRAGA, P B, TEIXEIRA, V R, e CHAMMAS, R. Aspectos Moleculares da Transformação Celular: Conceitos e Implicações. In Dan Linetzky Waitzberg. Dieta, Nutrição e Câncer. Organizador. São Paulo : Atheneu, 2004{Volume}, p. 79-87.http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/5/5155/tde-20062007-145547/

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