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Doctoral Thesis
Full name
Melina Andrade Mattar Ordones
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2016
Silva, Hamilton Augusto Roschel da (President)
Batista, Carla da Silva
Borba Neto, Eduardo Ferreira
Pasin, Camila Torriani
Zanoteli, Edmar
Title in Portuguese
Efeitos do treinamento de força acompanhado de oclusão vascular em pacientes com polimiosite e dermatomiosite
Keywords in Portuguese
Qualidade de vida
Abstract in Portuguese
INTRODUÇÃO: Polimiosite (PM) e Dermatomiosite (DM) são miopatias inflamatórias que se caracterizam por fraqueza, atrofia e disfunção muscular, levando a perda de capacidade funcional e de qualidade de vida. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar se um treino de força com oclusão vascular (TF-OV) de baixa intensidade é seguro e efetivo em melhorar a força, a massa e a função muscular, além da qualidade de vida destes pacientes. MÉTODOS: Treze pacientes com PM ou DM estáveis foram submetidos a um TF-OV parcial e baixa intensidade (30% de 1RM) duas vezes por semana, por 12 semanas. Foram avaliados então as enzimas musculares, a força, a massa e a função muscular, além da qualidade de vida e as limitações para atividades diárias antes e após o protocolo de treinamento. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes apresentaram um aumento da força muscular do leg-press (19,6%, p < 0,001) e do leg-extension (25,2% p < 0,001), além de aumento da massa muscular avaliada pela área de secção transversa do quadríceps (4,57%, p =0,01). Nos testes funcionais, houve melhora do desempenho nos testes timed-stands (15,1%, p < 0,001) e timed-up-and-go (-4,5%, p=0,002). Foi observado melhora dos escores do HAQ e de todos os componentes do SF-36, além de queda significativa do VAS do médico e do paciente (p < 0,05), enquanto que as enzimas musculares permaneceram estáveis (p > 0,05). Por fim, nenhum evento adverso foi relatado. CONCLUSÃO: O TF-OV de baixa intensidade foi seguro e efetivo em melhorar a força, a massa e a função muscular, além da qualidade de vida dos pacientes com PM e DM estáveis
Title in English
Efficacy and safety of low-intensity resistance training combined with partial blood flow restriction in polymyositis and dermatomyositis
Keywords in English
Quality of life
Abstract in English
INTRODUCTION: Our aim was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a low-intensity resistance training program combined with partial blood flow restriction (BFR training) in a cohort of patients with polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM). METHODS: In total, 13 patients with PM and DM completed a 12-week twice a week low-intensity (that is, 30% onerepetition-maximum (1RM)) resistance exercise training program combined with partial blood flow restriction (BFR). Assessments of muscle strength, physical function, quadriceps cross sectional (CSA) area, health-related quality of life, and clinical and laboratory parameters were assessed at baseline and after the intervention. RESULTS: The BFR training program was effective in increasing the maximal dynamic strength in both the leg-press (19.6%, p < 0.001) and leg-extension exercises (25.2% p < 0.001), as well as in the timed-stands (15.1%, p < 0.001) and timed-up-and-go test (-4.5%, P =0.002). Quadriceps CSA was also significantly increased after the intervention (4.57%, p =0.01). Similarly, all of the components of the Short Form-36 Health Survey, the Health Assessment Questionnaire scores, and the patient- and physician reported Visual Analogue Scale were significantly improved after training (p < 0.05). Importantly, no clinical evidence or any other self-reported adverse event were found. Laboratory parameters (creatine kinase and aldolase) were also unchanged (p > 0.05) after the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated that a 12-week supervised low-intensity resistance training program associated with partial blood flow restriction may be safe and effective in improving muscle strength and function as well as muscle mass and health-related quality of life in patients with PM and DM
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