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Tesis Doctoral
Nombre completo
Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas
Área de Conocimiento
Fecha de Defensa
São Carlos, 1983
Favaro, Luiz Antonio (Presidente)
Figueiredo, Gil Vicente Reis de
Guimaraes, Luiz Carlos
Loibel, Gilberto Francisco
Soares, Marcio Gomes
Título en portugués
Palabras clave en portugués
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Resumen en portugués
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Título en inglés
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Palabras clave en inglés
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Resumen en inglés
This work is concerned with the analysis of the conditions for a map-germ to be finitely determined and of the degree of determinacy. In Chapters II and III, we obtain estimates for the degree of Cr-G-determinacy, where G = K,R and C. These estimates are exact in many cases, as for instance, in the following proposition: "Let f : (Rn, 0) → (Rp,0) be given by: {ui = xi i = 1, ..., p-k, yj = fj (x1, ... xp-k, xp-k+1, ..., xn), j = 1, ... k, where fj is homogeneous of degree sj. If f is G-determined or more generally if IG is elliptic then f is (s+l-1)-Cl-G determined, with s = max sj". The groups of interest in Chapters IV and V are A and C0-A. We obtain relations among tangent spaces to the orbits,and we apply them to problems of topological triviality, modality and normal forms, The main result in Chapter IV is a sufficient condition for topological triviality, that applies to map-germs not necessarily weighted-homogeneous. In Chapter V we deal with A-finitely determined germs with the property that the A-orbit is open in the K-orbit. As an application of the results, we obtain the classification of all f : (R2,0) → (R2,0) of type Σ1 and Σ2, 0 having that property.
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