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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Marcio Mattos Borges de Oliveira
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Carlos, 1991
Arenales, Marcos Nereu (President)
França, Paulo Morelato
Ribeiro, Cassilda Maria
Title in Portuguese
Keywords in Portuguese
Não disponível
Abstract in Portuguese
Gerar rotas para veículos é uma tarefa que por sua complexidade representa enorme dificuldade para profissionais da área de transportes. O presente trabalho fornece subsídios para estudo deste problema., abordando as técnicas do método das economias potenciais de Clarke e Wright e a Proposição de Paessens para modificá-las. Implementamos, para microcomputadores, os referidos métodos e apresentamos resultados para problemas clássicos.
Title in English
Vehicles routing
Keywords in English
Not available
Abstract in English
Vehicle routing problem is a hard job that by its complexity represents a high difficulty for professionals of transportation's area. This document provides resources to research in this problem, broaching the Clarke and Wright's potential saving method and Paessen's proposition to changing them. The saving method and its modifications were implemented on microcomputers, and computational results are presented for known problems from the literature.
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