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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Marielza Jorge Favaro
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Carlos, 1973
Linhares, Odelar Leite (President)
Onuchic, Nelson
Saab, Mario Rameh
Title in Portuguese
Keywords in Portuguese
Não disponível
Abstract in Portuguese
Não disponível
Title in English
Numerical Integration over Spaces of dimension n ≥ 1
Keywords in English
Not available
Abstract in English
The purpose of this work is to discuss methods to calculate approximately multiple integrals. The approximations are of the form ∫ ... ∫ Rn w(x1,...,xn) f(x1,...,xn) dx1l ... dxn ≃ ∑Ni=1 Aif(vli,...,vni) Rn and are of a certain degree d. Integration formulae for simple regions 'like simplex and complex are presented which generalíze the one dimension Newton-Cotes formulas. Many of the existing generalizations of the Newton-Cotes formulae use a number of base-points N = (n+d) ! / n! d! whereas those discussed use mostly N < (n+d)! / n! d! and are numerically better as analagous results are obtained with less basepoints. Integration formulae using orthogonal polynomials are also .discussed which generalize the one dimension Gauss formulae. The result "of A.H.Stroud [Q] gives a necessary and suficient condition for the common zeros of a set of polynomials in n-variables to be used as basepoints in an integration formula. | The main result of this work is the R. Franke theorem. [id] that has practical interest because: i) the hypothesis are more easely verified than those of A.H.Stroud; ii) the number of orthogonal polynomials and that of base-points is well determined for each chosen n; iii) the number of base-points is always given by N ≤ mn < (n+d)! / n! d! which is numerically more feasible.
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