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Master's Dissertation
Full name
Hugo Nogueira Neto
Knowledge Area
Date of Defense
São Paulo, 2017
Cardoso, Mauricio (President)
Nunes, Sandra Regina Chaves
Pereira, Wagner Pinheiro
Silva Junior, Nelson da
Title in Portuguese
A forma flutuante: desejo e doutrina nos filmes do Terceiro Reich
Keywords in Portuguese
Indústria cultural
Segunda Guerra Mundial
Abstract in Portuguese
Mediante o cotejo interdisciplinar entre a crítica historiográfica, a análise fílmica e a interpretação psicanalítica nas linhas freudiana e lacaniana, essa pesquisa investigou quatro obras cinematográficas comissionadas pelo governo nazista durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial com a finalidade de promoção de suas políticas raciais e de gênero: Jud Süß (1940), Die große Liebe (1942), Münchhausen (1943) e Titanic (1943). A partir dessas produções, o estudo perscrutou os sistemas de justaposição de fantasias socialmente partilhadas aos denominadores ideológicos do nacional-socialismo. Identificou, igualmente, os processos de negociação entre as instâncias da indústria cultural e as agências governamentais para alinhar o desejo e a doutrina na forma flutuante da fantasia cinematográfica.
Title in English
The floating form: desire and doctrine in the films of the Third Reich
Keywords in English
Cultural industry
World War II
Abstract in English
Making use of instruments pertaining to the domain of historical criticism, filmic analysis and psychoanalytic theory under Freudian and Lacanian guidelines, this research investigated four cinematographic works commissioned by the Nazi government during World War II aimed to promoting its racial and gender policies: Jud Süß (1940), Die große Liebe (1942), Münchhausen (1943) and Titanic (1943). Through these films, the analysis examined the systems of juxtaposition between socially shared fantasies and the ideological denominators of National Socialism. The research identified also the schemes of negotiation between instances of cultural industry and government agencies in order to align desire and doctrine in the floating form of film fantasy.
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